Body Sculpting

Pressotherapy - Lymphatic treatment

Pressotherapy is a body treatment using air pressure. The treatment is mainly aimed at reducing and even eliminating orange peel (cellulite). 

Pressotherapy Lymphatic treatment for legs and thighs 50 minutes

9800 kr.

Pressotherapy Lymphatic treatment for the upper body 50 minutes

9800 kr.

Pressotherapy Lymphatic treatment for the upper part of the body, legs, buttocks and thighs 50 minutes

15.800 kr.

Sculptura Detox RevIIV

Scultura Slim & Detox er 5 þrepa slökunar, grenningar og afeitrunar meðferð sem virkar. 

Skulptura Detox RevIIV 50 mínútur

9800 kr.

Skulptura Detox RevIIV 60 mínútur

17.800 kr.

Skulptura Detox RevIIV 90 mínútur

14.800 kr

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